Saturday, October 17, 2020

Thursday, October 15, 2020

How to sculpt feet in Polymerclay

Worth re sharing!

Here is a very easy but effective video tutorial on how to sculpt feet in Polymerclay 😊

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Trapped in a shell

Littlefolks are everywhere.
This lil one lives at Sabattus Pond in Maine and sometimes he tries to come out of the shell as he loves 
the waters. He is sculpted inside a real shell.
He is available for adoption, but he needs to live very close to the water. 
If you have a place for him, know he's available so feel free to email me at:


Spooky Hands' earrings

In perfect Halloween Style...
Sculpted in Prosculpt light...size as in picture.
In interested in purchasing please email me at:


Belladonna Wartmore and her puppy are Available for adoption

 This is a witch bust in memory of  Belladonna Wartmore. To tell you the truth she was born in 1077 and as you can see on her gravestone, she is still alive. Oh let's celebrate this beautiful crearture...
The bust is about 7,5", on a wood stand. The broom and the gravestone are also handmade. She is not a product for kids.
She is available so if interested in adopting her, please email me at:

The beginning...

"Intro"spection (Available for adoption)

Sculpting this lil one was definitely an emotional process. He was sculpted in January 2016 and
he won the "Intensity" Award at the Miniaturitalia in Milan the same year.
He is made out of  Prosculpt light and he is entirely hand made.
He is not a product for kids.
Someone told me, Art needs to be shared, spread and seen...and if this is Art I'm ready to let this guy
go to the world.
He is Available and if interested please email me at:


Affia (Available for adoption)

Affia is entirely sculped out of Prosculpt Light. She was born in  Maine.
She likes the snow and playing with our Chocolate Lab Daisy Louise Baloo.
She is about 9 inches tall.
She is available for adoption and if interested please
email me at:


Hands' Tutorial (English and Italian Version)

Photo Tutorial on making hands in Polymer clay. If interested in learning my tecnique
please send me an email at:


Clown Pendent (Available)

Clown Pendant in Polymer clay.
He is sculpted on a metal base. The pendant is 2.16" from the top of his hat
down to the ruffle.
If interested email me at:


How to sculpt Feet in polymer clay (Online private lesson or recorded videos)

A nice and easy way to sculpt Feet in polymer clay. 
Making feet doesn't have to be a nightmare.
it can be fun and effective.
If interested in learning the tecnique, email me at:


A fairy tale (Available for adoption)

She is sculpted in Prosculpt light.
She was born in Rome on August 2017. On march 2018 she traveled all the way to
United States. 
She is all hand made and she is about 9 inches. the base is 1,5" about. She can be removed from the base. Everything is hand made,
included the little frog with the crown on his head...But that is another story :)
If interested in adopting her please email me at:


Benjamin Lorefolks (available for adoption)

Here is Benjamin Lorefolks...just met him today on my daily walk...he is doing pretty fine, but this morning he was woke up by Mr Shylet Mooresun and Mr Sirio Thicktale, that entered his house to steal cheese...sleepy but very friendly...he offered us a cup of tea.

He is sculpted out a mix of Prosculpt polymer clay around a steel wire. He can be removed from the base. Mice can't!
He is around 7 inches tall (base is not included and it's 3\4"). The body is make with soft felt. He is painted with Genesis oil paints. The base is made in wood and planks are sculpted with polymer clay. 
He is available and if interested send me an email at:


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Blumilla (Not available for adoption)

She is Blumilla...she is a one of a kind Little folk...she was sculpted in prosculpt light. 
She cannot be replicated and she is no longer available for adoption


LLudo: Clown 101(Available for adoption)

Clowns are not scary creatures. This one is such a sweetheart, he couldn't hurt a fly. 
He is sculpted with mix of Supersculpey beige and Firm. He is 3 inches from the tip of the hat to
the ruffles. His eyes are hand made by me and the are sealed with resin. He can become a pendant. 
If interested in adopting him email me at: 
as he is available for adoption.


Dinda: A Dreamy Witch Portrait (Available for Adoption)

She is a very dreamy witch. 
she is sculpted out of Supersculpey polymer clay. She is about 3 inches from the top of the hat 
to the sleeve. and the base is about 5 inches.
She is available for adotpion
if intersted in having her around, please email me at:

Goble the Good the Snail Trainer(Not Available for adoption)

This guy is my first sculpture in polymer clay that was worth showing. 
He won the IADR competition in September 2014.
He is now not available for adoption.